Sometimes less is more

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There is this girl. The girl next door. She lives just a few hundred meters away and yet I have never seen her before. Funny thing, how we tend to live in a bubble unaware of the world and people around us.

Before meeting someone, I tend to check their Facebook and Instagram profiles. I want to be prepared both as a photographer and as a person. What do you see, when you scroll through Saša’s Instagram? I saw saturated colors, confident expressions, and heavy-handed make-up. When we met, there was this funny, spontaneous, and open-minded girl, which was perfect as she was, without the need of vibrant lipstick. I was pleasantly surprised, that I didn’t meet the girl from the screen. 

So Saša, who are you? I hope, that I will find out, but before that, here I introduce you as I saw you in the poppy field.